RabbitMQ Shovel continually moves messages from a source to a destination. The source and destination can be situated in the same cluster with different virtual hosts or in different geographic and administrative domains. It can move messages between queues and exchanges within the same broker or it can act as a bridge between two different brokers.

A shovel can be used to balance the load of a queue or when we need to take messages out of one RabbitMQ broker and insert them into another. In essence, the shovel connects to the source and destination broker, consumes messages from the queue, and re-publishes each message to the destination broker.

Enable Shovel plugin

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_shovel 

rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_shovel_management

Shovel mapping

By Saineshwar

Microsoft MVP for Developer Technologies | C# Corner MVP | Code project MVP | Senior Technical Lead | Author | Speaker | Love .Net | Full Stack developer | Open source contributor.